Monday, May 4, 2020

Audience and Institution Practice Essay

Question: Assess the importance of marketing in film.

              Marketing is an essential key to film for various reasons. This strategy builds an audience for a film. It also allows distributors to target a specific audience. The main goal for a film is exposure and marketing determines just how much exposure a film is able to receive. Marketing also serves as a form of advertisement for film, and assists in keeping fans occupied and keeping the conversation about a film running.

              A film is nothing without its viewers. The movie Black Panther, being the first African-American superhero movie, was not only heavily marketed but made approximately $361 million within its first weekend of global release. This film was marketed using cross promotions, special events, media, merchandising, and synergy. The trailer for the film was first launched at an NBA Finals Game with millions of viewers; this cross promotion built a strong foundation for the film’s future audience and greatly assisted in it’s sparking interest. The film was featured throughout different media platforms such as magazines, radio shows, television ads and posters. Each media platform engaged different viewers and spread the word of the up-coming film. The creation of merchandise including clothing and different gadgets kept viewers engaged with the film and also sparked a social media trend which only added to the Black Panther’s exposure. This trend included going to the theaters dressed as a character from the movie; many people even admitted to watching the movie more than once just to participate in the trend. I personally discovered this movie after watching its trailer and decided to watch the actual film because of its trend on social media. Marketing directly builds the audience for a film.

              Besides gaining viewers, marketing also attracts a specific audience. The animated film: “The Lego Movie 2” was marketed specifically to attract families, children, and lego-lovers. During a family vacation to LegoLand in late 2018, my family and I came across many posters and billboards advertising the movie in both the theme park as well as our hotel; this cross promotion painted the film as a family-friendly movie. The marketing team even created a video-game based on the movie, this cross-media convergence assisted in spreading knowledge of the film among kids and gamers to catch their attention and increase the potential views of the film.

              Marketing also keeps audiences engaged and keeps the conversation of a film running, all creating more profit for distributors. The film “Jurassic World” was advertised through toys, mobile apps, video-games, and even themed candies. There was even an Easter Egg Hunt hosted online as an Easter Holiday marketing strategy. All these components allowed fans and potential film viewers to interact with the movie, gain interest, and keep the conversation running.

              Overall, marketing is a key component to film. Not only does it help distributors target specific audiences but it also builds the audience itself.  Marketing builds the exposure that a film needs to succeed and make money.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Practice Extract Essay

The extract that I watched for my essay is titled: “24”. In my opinion, the meaning behind the extract is meant to feature an intense interrogation between a male detective (Jack), and a seemingly ex-ally (Nina). The elements used throughout the movie clip hint that Jack and Nina know each other and were even close at one point. It also emphasizes Jack’s anger towards Nina and suggests a betrayal between them. Besides the relationship between Jack and Nina, the extract shows a deeper cause for the interrogation that involves the safety of others. It also reveals that the inquisition is being closely watched, meaning that Jack was given the task of prying information out of Nina.
    In the first scene, a variety of elements are used to deliver the theme. An over- the- shoulder shot, as well as a close-up, are used to introduce Detective Jack. The over- the-shoulder shot allows us to identify with Nina’s hidden feelings behind the interrogation and view Jack through her eyes; from her point of view, he gives off a menacing vibe that sets the tension within the room. The close-up that switches to a clear view of Jack from the shoulders-up, reveals Jack’s emotions towards Nina. The intimidating way he studies her hints that he doesn't think highly of Nina. The extract then features an eye-line match that shows Jack looking towards a camera in the corner of the room; this reveals that they are being watched. Due to the props and set-up of the location including the desolate table and 2 chairs, as well as the camera and bare walls, the audience is now aware that the man and woman are in an interrogation room. This hints back to the cause for Jack’s inquisition of Nina. Another eye-line match features Nina glancing towards the clock, emphasizing that she is running out of time for something important. The sound motif plays in the background whenever there is an exchange between Jack and Nina and it increases the tension and feelings of betrayal between them, it also creates a sense of suspense. A pan is used as Jack sets a seemingly important prop (paper) in front of Nina and the camera moves from side to side to show her reaction to the document. Her reaction seems almost expectant as she looks up at Jack with a slight smirk; the hints at the importance of the document to Nina. A close-up reveals Jack’s reaction which is almost disgusted. The dialogue between them reveals that they do in fact know each other. Their conversation includes talk of a bomb in which Nina knows about but will not reveal until certain circumstances are met; this uncovers the deeper cause behind the interrogation but also emphasizes the animosity between the two. The dialogue also reveals that Nina is a “worse than a traitor” in Jack’s eyes, hinting at the roots of her betrayal and suggesting she was once on his side and that of the other detectives. The dim lighting in this scene increases the suspense and bad blood between Nina and Jack. It also places a spotlight on Jack’s desperation for information.
    The second scene’s location cuts to a police station office. The props including computer screens and desks reveal the setting of the scene. The costumes including suits and police uniforms also reveal the setting. A two-shot features two detectives seemingly watching a large computer screen. It is revealed that they are watching the interrogation which emphasizes its importance. Close-ups of both the detectives reveal their anxious and nervous faces. These shots make it crystal-clear that the information Nina holds is crucial for the safety of others
In the third scene, a zoom to Jack’s face emphasizes the anger he holds towards Nina. He then uses a prop (the desk) to throw across the room in an attempt to show her how serious he is. After a close-up of Nina taunting him, Jack begins to choke her in a two-shot. The scene quickly flips to a split-screen as the detectives witness this and rush to stop him. This reveals the importance of Nina being unharmed as well as how much they need her to help them. After stopping Jack, the extract fades out to signify the ending of the clip.
    I believe I am right on the director’s vision for the extract because of the many different components that back up my theory. The different shots, editing, sound,and elements all assist in creating links between the characters and scenes which show the relationship and meaning behind the interrogation.

Practice Extract Assignment

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Final Project and CCR

  Hi welcome back to my AICE Media Studies Blog. Today, I am turning in my final project. This submission also includes my creative critical reflection questions. I have also inserted my original music video. These different elements show the progress I've made throughout this class. They also show the extent of my filming and editing skills. I was originally supposed to insert my school commercial as well. Due to school being closed, I could not do so. Though my partner and I were unable to re-film for our opening sequence, we tried to edit the scenes to make it look as good as possible. My opening sequence may be lacking some of the requirements.
  My CCR or creative critical reflection questions featured me answering four questions. These questions helped me evaluate what I have learned so far. I was able to answer all the questions to my best ability. I filmed my CCR on my iPhone 11. I also edited this video on my phone. I used iMovie to edit the different scenes and put them together. To transfer it to my computer, I had to upload it to my Icloud. I then saved it onto my computer and uploaded it to my google drive. Then I uploaded all 3 videos to a PowerPoint and published it to the web. Thankyou for tuning into my AICE Media Studies Blog. Have a great day!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Re-film: My partner and I have decided

Hi welcome back to my AICE Media Studies Blog. Today I will be discussing what my partner and I have decided. In my previous blogs I mentioned school being closed physically until April 15th. It has now been predicted that school will be physically closed for the rest of the year. I have tried to set up times to film for my partner and I but none of them have worked out. I have come to the conclusion that we most likely will not be able to re-film. I also learned that this year we will not be able to take our AICE exams. Many teachers have mentioned that they will be evaluating us or something of the sort. We are not sure what will happen and are waiting to be updated. Until I will continue to work with our opening  sequence and make it as good as possible.
My partner and I have decided to use the clips that we already filmed. This is because there is no way for us to film now. I will go over the clips that we have already filmed and see which ones I can use. This way, my partner and I will be able to use what we have. Due to this we may not have all the requirements based on the rubric. I will try my best to meet most of the requirements. I will also do all the required  assignments such as our CCR. The CCR/reflection is due on Friday. The final movie Is also due on Friday. Thank you for tuning into my AICE Media Studies Blog.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Didnt Re-Edit Yet

  Hi, welcome back to my AICE Media Studies Blog. Today I will be talking to you about how we still didn’t re-film or re-edit yet. I haven’t began filming or  reshooting  yet. I planned to film last weekend but it ended up being canceled. Due to the corona virus going around, my mom has become more strict about who comes in and out of our house. School has also been canceled physically until April 15th but is predicted to stay closed for the rest of the year. My partner and I are unsure of when we will be able to film again. We hope it will be soon. Until then, I will review the storyboard and sound script. I will also review the shooting script.
  I will review the shooting script to make sure all the scenes are shot properly. This will also ensure that we have all the proper shooting movements and angles. The sound script will ensure that all of our actors use the correct lines. It will also ensure that the correct audios and types of sounds such as digetic and non digetic are used. The story board will help us film the scenes properly. It will also help us remember the different scenes and the development of the sequence. My partner and I are not yet sure when we are going to re-film and edit. We may decide to use what we have since we are getting closer to the deadline. We want to have enough time to finish our film. We also want to be able to edit all our scenes soon. Thank you for tuning into my blog.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Didn’t Re-film yet

 Hi, welcome back to my AICE Media Studies Blog. Today I will be discussing how we still didn’t re-film yet. I haven’t began filming or  reshooting  yet. I planned to film this weekend but I’m sure it will end up being canceled. Due to the corona virus going around, my mom has become more strict about who comes in and out of our house. School has also been canceled physically until April 15th. My partner and I are unsure of when we will be able to film again. We hope it will be soon. Until then, I will review the storyboard and sound script. I will also review the shooting script.
  I will review the shooting script to make sure all the scenes are shot properly. This will also ensure that we have all the proper shooting movements and angles. The sound script will ensure that all of our actors use the correct lines. It will also ensure that the correct audios and types of sounds such as digetic and non digetic are used. The story board will help us film the scenes properly. It will also help us remember the different scenes and the development of the sequence. My partner and I are not yet sure when we are going to re-film and edit. I will ask her if we can try to film next weekend. We want to have enough time to finish our film. We also want to be able to edit all our scenes soon. Thank you for tuning into my blog.