Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

 Welcome back to my AICE Media Studies Blog. One of the two websites that I looked at was I was looking at this site to gain more knowledge about titles and explore the differences between them. During this time, I saw different movie genres and how they affected their opening titles. These titles ranged from cartoon looking to being spooky and scary. It matched the genre of the movie. The theme of this website was black. It also had a variety of title options to watch. Some examples of the movies are "Are We There Yet", and "Silent Hill". They also acclaimed and interviewed different important people in the film making industry. Additionally, I read some of the articles below the video. These were discussing how the titles were thought of and created. I researched different opening titles to films and the role they played in grabbing the audience's attention and making the movie great. I learned the different aspects there is to making these titles. For instance, the disputes that go into who is being given the credit. When watching a movie, you never think that something that looks so easy and simple would require that much work and thought, Did you? 


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