Friday, January 17, 2020

Introduction to Final Task

 Welcome back to my Aice Media Studies blog. As you may recall, my name is Sanáa and I attend Fort Lauderdale Highschool. I’m enrolled in the law program and am currently taking the Aice Media Studies class. During the past few months I’ve learned and accomplished many different things in and outside of class. A few months ago I got a job at a restaurant. 4 days ago I turned 16. At the end of this semester my gpa went up to a 4.0. These small accomplishments have made me proud of myself and encourages me to push harder everyday. I’ve also  learned many things in relation to production in my Aice Media class and I’m eager to continue. In this next project I will be producing a movie clip. I have decided to work alone on this project, so I am my only group member.

  During my two projects I learned a lot about media and production. One of the things I learned were the varying elements of film which are called CLAMPS in my class. CLAMPS includes costumes, lighting, actors, makeup, props, and settings, the different variables that makeup a film. I’ve also learned the different camera angles and shots within a film. I am now able to recognize and identify these shots and angles in movies, shows, and ads. Other elements of film that I have learned about include its distribution. I now know the different ways that a product is distributed and how the audience views it including home exhibition. Lastly, I’m aware of the different editing techniques in film. I’m also able to use these techniques myself as well as identify them. I am excited to start the final project and integrate my new knowledge into a movie clip. 

  A pitch is a Hollywood term that describes an idea where a film is envisioned in one sentence or 25 words or less. The following will include my 3 pitch ideas. (1) Jordan has the perfect life, or so he thought; when everyone turns on him and questions arise from his past, he must find a way out. (2) When the perfect student is kidnapped while leaving campus, everyone believes it’s random mistake; but this kidnapping wasn’t random at all. (3) Jimmy and Randy get recruited to a basketball camp by notorious serial killers, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them. The previous were my 3 pitches that I will be choosing from.

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